Saturday, February 22, 2014

piCture pOlish "Orbit"

Hi girls! 

Sorry for the lack of posts this past week.  The weather was kind of blah, which made me feel kind of blah, and then I had a test to study for, so I didn't have any time. But now my test is over, it's 60 degrees outside, and it was sunny this morning at least!

Unfortunately the sun didn't stick around for me to get these pictures, but the shimmer in "Orbit" is still AMAAAAAZINNNNGGG!!!

This first picture is a little brighter blue than in real life, but these next three are color-accurate:


"Orbit" is a deep blue and silver shimmer.  The silver didn't really come out in my pictures, but it is stunning in real life!!

I used two coats of "Orbit" here, but if my coats were thicker, one might have been enough.  This also dries a little gritty, so I used one coat of Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter Food on top, followed by my regular Seche Vite.  Glitter Food is a thick, dense top coat that is good to use over textured glitters to get them nice and sooth.  It does dry to a matte finish though, so I always use a good top coat on top of it!

"Orbit" is another polish that I borrowed from Gosia, and it immediately went on my wishlist! 
piCture pOlish can be found at, as can Nail Pattern Boldness.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome polish!!!!! i love it just as much as you do!!
