Saturday, February 1, 2014

Elevation Polish "Darkest Storm"

Hi girls!

Has anyone else been having a super-lazy day today?  I've actually somehow managed to get quite a bit done, but I feel like I've just been sitting on the couch all day!  And I certainly don't feel like getting up anytime soon!

Today's post is a couple of new (to me) Elevation Polishes:

This is Elevation "Darkest Storm" with "Plumeria" as an accent nail.
 Darkest storm is a dark blue holo, and Plumeria has multicolored and sized circle glitters!  How fun!!

 My flash did something weird with the lighting here, but I feel like it shows off the holo nicely!

I tried to take some close-ups of my accent fingers so you could see all the different colors in Plumeria, but my camera was like "nuh-uh", so they're a little blurry.

I love it!  It looks like bubbles!  I did two coats of Darkest Storm, but if you're careful you could probably get away with one.  For Plumeria I used the blob & spread approach--get a bunch of glitter on the brush, blob it on the nail and then spread it around.

Elevation Polish is becoming another favorite for me!  I've yet to try a disappointing color!

Elevation can be found at Llarowe (check out that new site!) and at their Big Cartel Site.

Thanks for reading!

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