Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year, New Blog, New Goals!

Hi!  Welcome to RxNails!  I made the jump to Blogger so people can leave comments on my blog, so comment away!

Let's get started!

I've decided I'm going to tie my nail habit to some new health goals of mine.  While this will primarily be a nail blog, I thought I'd talk about my goals for my first post.

I recently had some routine blood work done, and it turns out my cholesterol levels were just a little high.  Not too high to need medication, but high enough to be a sort-of "wake-up call".  So I'm going to try and cut down on my saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol intake, and increase my fiber intake.  I have specific numerical goals that I can get into if anyone's really interested.  I thought this wouldn't be too hard.  Looking at nutrition labels, there are a lot of foods with no cholesterol and little saturated fat.  Then I decided to have a boiled egg with my lunch (healthy! all that protein!) and realized that one egg contained my total daily cholesterol limit.  So looks like it's egg whites for me from now on!

My next goal is to get a total of 150 minutes of exercise per week.  I'm really bad about exercising.  I like exercising outside, but right now it's literally freezing (below freezing actually), and I hate being out in the cold.  But I have been using our elliptical the past couple days, so hopefully I can make a habit of it.

This next goal may seem kind of silly, but I'm aiming to take at least one bath per week.  Pharmacy school is incredibly stressful, and stress definitely has negative health impacts.  It's easy to say "you need to decrease your stress level", but much harder to actually do it.  Since there's not really a way for me to lessen the stress of school, I need to be able to cope with it better.  Long hot baths are extremely relaxing to me.  We have this nice big tub, and I don't use it enough, so that's a new goal for me!

Lastly, I want to make a blog post at least once a week.  Hopefully more, but once a week is my starting goal.

Now, if you managed to read all of that, I'm sure you're thinking "What does this have to do with nail polish?"  I'm going to use nail polish to reward myself for reaching my goals!  Everyday that I get at least 30 minutes of exercise means I can change my mani.  And I can only buy NEW nail polish if I meet my weekly goals.  I'm polish per goal met.  For my nutrition goals, that means I have to meet my goals more days than I don't.  Hopefully this will inspire me to be healthier!

At last, what you came here for:  Here is my reward mani for last night's time on the elliptical:

This is NfuOh 64.  Sorry for the crappy pictures, it's going to take me a while to figure this thing out.  64 was a gift from the wonderful Gosia of Colorful Crack.  It's a pale pink holo that absolutely cannot be captured with a camera.  Like all of the NfuOh holos, you need to use their Aqua Base with this.  I had no problems with application using Aqua Base.  These pictures are two coats, but one would have actually been fine!

NfuOh, including Aqua Base, is available at the Nfu Oh website and FabulouStreet, which is where I bought my aqua base.

Thanks for reading my first post!  I promise from now on, my posts won't be as long and won't be about health and fitness!


  1. Love that polish! And good luck on your fitness goals. You can do it! Make sure to increase your fiber with lots of veggies and not a bunch of bull processed "fiber rich" food products.

  2. First off: I LOVE the name of your blog!!!! And all your new years resolutions... Same here my friend =)) you may see a huffing and puffing weirdo outside your house from now on - that will be me getting my daily exercise =))) I love this polish on you!!! so glad I gave this to you!!!!! btw, I wore the Nails, Inc. to work anyway (despite the sparklies) and I got so many compliments on it!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  3. Oooh I love how unique that polish is. It kind of reminds me of the Pantone Color of the Year 2014 Radiant Orchid.
